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One final note to IndieGOGO 2016 Backers

Posted by 가게 삼박자 SamBakZa shop(ip:)

Date 2023-04-23 14:23:45

View 625


Dear IndieGOGO 2016 Backer

The perks for backers of the IndieGOGO 2016 campaign are ready to ship and waiting for your order.

Please log in and check your perks. Enter the information for shipping and pay for the shipping fee.

I already sent email to you. The ID and password for access are in that email.

If you didn't receive my email, please let me know via email to

Most backers have received their perks.

I'm hoping that some of the backers I haven't been able to reach through emails, letters, and public posts will read this.

I can only keep the perks I have in storage until the end of 2023.

If I do not hear from you by December 31st this year, your perks will be dismantled and discarded. So, please contact me.

I will continue to attempt to contact backers who have not received their perks, but if I do not hear from you by December 31, 2023, I will assume that you are no longer interested in receiving your perks and will dismantle the perks in storage and sell them to other fans who wish to purchase them.

In any case, I will never forget that your support and patronage made this project a success. Thank you so much.

Best regards,


